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Engine driven Buzz saw-Shark750sb

Item Code: VC044SHARK750SB
Suggested Price: Cdn $0.01 or US $0.01

[Engine driven Buzz saw-Shark750sb Picture # 1]

Italian quality. Engine driven cordwood saw. Balfor NEW circular saws are designed for high production but with total safety in mind. The Shark offers a safer and faster alternative to cutting with a chainsaw. The Shark 750 saw bench is fitted with an extremely durable 750mm tungsten tipped circular saw blade, able to cut cleanly through a 13″ (330cm) diameter log. The waist height rocking log trough is fitted with rollers to make it easier to move the timber across for the next cut, making the Shark 750 a very comfortable machine to use. It is also fitted with a log grip handle as standard and comes with wheels and handles for excellent maneuverability.The saw bench has a hard wearing multiple V belt drive driving a steel blade spindle. Also included as standard is a trough extension to help support longer logs, an adjustable cutting length guide, and a spanner to remove the blade should it be necessary. Using heavy duty serviceable components, the circular saw benches are also powder coated for a better finish and greater durability, giving them long working lifespan. For product literature click here You will need adobe acrobat to open the file. Watch video here

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